Dreams Vol 1: My Future

Years of sleepless nights bore the same dream,

That of My future, untainted.

Under the surrogacy of my imagination, it remains.

Yet it still shines, revealing the success so vehemently-sought by many.

It consoles me. It gives me hope,

Like a memory that wills a grieving widow to face the day.

Pessimism tried to paralyze my determination.

But it could not defeat me with its reptilian ways.

Each passing day I gain clarity;

I can smell the scent of prosperity that which destiny has in store;

I fear not the pangs of failure.

For I am the master of my own fate. *

*This line of the poem was originally written by William Ernest Henley in his poem “Invictus.” I don’t claim ownership over it; I just used it to conclude this poem because it fits.



July 7, 2010 at 5:02 PM

I have a crush on you, and a huge crush on your vocabulary ;)


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