
You’ve found me….vulnerable;
Like a babe sacrificing itself to its mother,
To be quenched by her love.

You now invade my garden of innocence,
Flooding it with the waters of iniquity and doubt.
My petals---the bearers of my conscience, now float atop your evil.

Off you go into the darkness,
Leaving me diseased with sin.
Alas, the flames of divine retribution now await my arrival.

If only thou could harp alongside Yahweh once again;
Flapping your wings rhythmically to the sweet sounds of virtue;
Bearing your armour, as the gladiator of righteousness.


-Who is Lucifer?

-Yahweh, is the the Hebrew term for "God"

The Politics behind "Slumdog Millionaire"

All of you that have seen Slumdog Millionaire would have to agree that it deserves all the glory it has been showered with by most critics. Jam-packed with zest and clever plot twists, this movie definitely stands as this year’s best picture. Of course, the young actors (Dev Patel, Freida Pinto) scorching up the sliver screen as they give tour de force performances, are among the many reasons why that is the case. But I am not going to continue raving about the magnificence this film---I simply intend on discussing it as a political commentary on globalization. But first, a little synopsis for those that have yet to see the movie.

After losing his mother to a disastrous tribal conflict, the film’s protagonist Jamal Malik (played by Dev Patel) is immediately exposed to the evils slithering within Mumbai (the poverty, corruption, violence etc.). He’s only about 7 when this tragedy strikes his life. This means that he is still surrounded by the shadows of innocence and vulnerability. Sadly, those shadows blindly lead him into the hands of an inner-city prick hunting orphaned children so as to place them as street beggars for profit. He even goes as far as blinding some of those kids hoping to generate more money from the public

Sickening? Obviously. But wait a minute… Let’s focus on the root of all this evil here; the one thing that causes most humans to dive in the black hole of sin,

A scene from Fox Searchlight's "Slumdog Millionaire."


Yes, desperation. He was obviously sick and tired of inhaling the dusts of poverty spreading all over India so he resorted to child exploitation. Clearly, director Danny Boyle was reflecting the harsh realities of India with this storyline because there was no mention of a law suit against him for tarnishing the country’s image (or the famous “over-exaggeration and sensationalization” the media is accused of). Nevertheless, this desperation has been causing many people in third-world countries like India to do things that go against their moral compasses----all in the name of “survival.” It is even more unfortunate that all of them will always be imprisoned by their misery as long as Globalization continues nurturing poverty all over the world.

Many of you must have already heard of the various economic implications involved with globalization; mainly the death of nationalized companies around the world as American corporations “globalize.” But I am more concerned about the social effects; like this child exploitation presented by Danny Boyle in his film. It breaks me that globalization has actually created a vicious cycle. You see, these impoverished kids (like Jamal) are supposed to be the “future leaders’ of their countries---but once they find themselves stuck in a whirlpool of poverty and corruption, they won’t be able to lead their countries towards some kind of success. This obviously allows Corporate America to maintain its reign over these fractured countries, causing more economic pollution to spur.

I am hoping that maybe Mr. Barrack and his gospel for “Change” will try to end this vicious cycle. However, I am not putting too much expectations on him because obviously it is hard to tame American Corporations. But whatever the case, something needs to be done…and fast. I mean, its about (f****) time for the infamous G8 to actually put forth a realistic implementation of the policies they discuss every now and then. I am so sick of watching the “other half” of this world dying a slow, painful death.

P.S-Slumdog Millionaire is still being run by most theatres----go watch it!


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